Andromeda, 31 x 10s/50mm/f1.8/ISO 800 and 27 x darks
I think I can make out the dust at the back there. But I feel like I'm failing to extract all of the detail in the processing (because I suck at it). Also a more recent camera would probably be a big help, this one is 10 years old. Also flat fields would remove that vignetting.
If anyone wants the raws or 32-bit stacked TIFF to have a crack at processing give me a shout.
Andromeda, 31 x 10s/50mm/f1.8/ISO 800 and 27 x darks
I think I can make out the dust at the back there. But I feel like I'm failing to extract all of the detail in the processing (because I suck at it). Also a more recent camera would probably be a big help, this one is 10 years old. Also flat fields would remove that vignetting.
If anyone wants the raws or 32-bit stacked TIFF to have a crack at processing give me a shout.
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