Well, I got the frame primed, fork finished and decided on a group set.
Going to use 600ex parts to match the crankset, which I really love. Got brakes and rear derailleur reasonably cheap off ebay, going to use a 600ax derailleur at the front for now, because it turned up cheap on here and looks pretty cool.
I'm going to use them with a 9 speed wheel and cheap indexed thumb-shifters, the kind that were on all my childhood bikes, for saved cash and warm feels.
I had to get a little creative with the brakes, the frame and fork expect long bolts with nuts, but the 600ex brakes are from the recessed nut era. I swapped the bolts with a pair of 600 arabesque brakes from the parts bin, so pleased to find out the diameter and threading are identical! The bolt heads are chamfered at different angles, but that's it!
Also means I'm now the owner of some... unusual arabesque brakes, ready to fit to modern frame. Got almost a full group actually, I should turn the neo-retro thing on its head and use it on a modern race frame! I'd find it pretty amusing, given the arabesque set was already designed to look a decade older than it actually is.
Also got a pleasant confirmation after rubbing down the frame (damn, freshly blasted steel rusts quickly!) - the main tubes at least are stamped 531.
I'm pretty pleased with how the forks came out, planning to do the frame with head-tube and seat-tube bands, and the same dip/curve/pin-stripe motif on the stays down by the dropouts.
Still need:
headset / stem / bars
wheels and cassette
a couple more still, dry, above 10 degree, free hours of daylight, so I can finish the paint!
Well, I got the frame primed, fork finished and decided on a group set.
Going to use 600ex parts to match the crankset, which I really love. Got brakes and rear derailleur reasonably cheap off ebay, going to use a 600ax derailleur at the front for now, because it turned up cheap on here and looks pretty cool.
I'm going to use them with a 9 speed wheel and cheap indexed thumb-shifters, the kind that were on all my childhood bikes, for saved cash and warm feels.
I had to get a little creative with the brakes, the frame and fork expect long bolts with nuts, but the 600ex brakes are from the recessed nut era. I swapped the bolts with a pair of 600 arabesque brakes from the parts bin, so pleased to find out the diameter and threading are identical! The bolt heads are chamfered at different angles, but that's it!
Also means I'm now the owner of some... unusual arabesque brakes, ready to fit to modern frame. Got almost a full group actually, I should turn the neo-retro thing on its head and use it on a modern race frame! I'd find it pretty amusing, given the arabesque set was already designed to look a decade older than it actually is.
Also got a pleasant confirmation after rubbing down the frame (damn, freshly blasted steel rusts quickly!) - the main tubes at least are stamped 531.
I'm pretty pleased with how the forks came out, planning to do the frame with head-tube and seat-tube bands, and the same dip/curve/pin-stripe motif on the stays down by the dropouts.
Still need:
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