sorry, just seen this message. Ive currently got a Nikon f90x which is actually really good for portraits. But I just wanted to see what medium format is like, and I was thinking about making some prints so I thought it would be worthwhile.
I actually took the plunge on a fuji ga645zi last night after speaking to a mate who shoots on one a lot. Made 200 quid for my Yashica T4, and sold a stone island jacket for £100 in the day, so wasn't such a painful hit. Really looking forward to shooting on it!
@luke572 I'd probably second going the 35mm route if you want to do quick portraits and something like the GA645 is out of your price range. You can pick up an auto-focus 35mm SLR with a portrait lens for peanuts in comparison.
What do you want to with your photos ? If shooting with a fine grain portrait film like Portra or Fuji Pro etc you're probably not going to notice a difference between 35mm and 120 unless your printing at A2 or larger size.