• #25652
Is it just ecotricity that is 100% renewable?
That's why I'm with them. I cba to research in depth, wood chips, bio gas, grass, etc and so on -
• #25653
Leasehold question - possibly @danstuff & @BleakRefs might have some insight -
Maintenance is delivered under a Long Term Agreement
There was a charge on my service account bill for £400 for a single piece of work, very few details given on what it actually was.
I'm trying to figure out if the landlord was supposed to consult over this, whatever it was, or whether because it was delivered under a what I assume is a Qualifying Long Term Agreement, there was no need to consult - which seems a bit bonkers.
Should they have consulted or not?
• #25655
I just got a 5 year fixed with Coventry Building society at 1.79% fixed with 49% LTV, but think that deal is gone now. If you want a broker I can recommend @WjPrince dad, who got us a great deal on a very complex set of circumstances.
• #25656
Thanks Sam for the recommendation 👍
• #25657
Isn't it 10% green gas (whatever that is) and 10% biogas?
• #25658
Ecotricity is only 12% green gas as well
• #25659
Punches self in cock.
• #25660
Is it? Neither can I... think I did originally, maybe I will stick with them then.... cheers for the info.
edit: FFS.
• #25663
Green energy do tide pricing which is interesting.
• #25664
If it's a Long Term Agreement but the landlord is proposing to carry out works under that Long Term Agreement which would constitute Qualifying Works (which these would be if they're for a single piece of work since they're for more than £250) then the landlord still has to consult, but the consultation requirements are not those for normal Qualifying Works carried out outside the scope of a Long Term Agreement (found in Schedule 4 of the The Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003) but are those contained in Schedule 3, which are rather more limited. They still have to consult though. The regulation which specifically deals with this issue (qualifying works carried out under the terms of a long term agreement) is paragraph 7(1) of the 2003 Regulations.
So, yes, they should have consulted.
Doesn't everyone know that?
• #25665
Bulb is good then? I need to switch from Ovo, they're taking the piss, who's getting me £100?
• #25666
What’s the issue with Ovo? Been with them since April 2016 and had no issues whatsoever - did a uSwitch check out of interest last month and cheapest we could get would have only saved £30 a year.
We are half-way through a two year tariff, so could be they’ve changed everything since we signed that.
• #25667
100 bags each
• #25668
Despite knowing exactly how much I use, because I've been with them for years and years, they keep upping my DD. I'm currently hundreds in credit, but they refuse to reduce my DD back down to £55/month.
• #25669
Also, I'd like to be 100% green and Ovo don't do that, that's obviously not them taking the piss but this whole DD thing is the push to get me to switch to a decent 100% green provider.
• #25670
Can't you change your DD yourself? Feel like I did that when I was first with Ovo. At least they give you interest on your credit.
• #25671
Are they allowed to do that? Is there no way to control yourself what the DD is (eg changing it with online banking)?
Sounds a bit ridiculous, would definitely threaten to leave in that situation.
• #25672
Did that once, and they just hassled me to change it again, and then they just changed it automatically.
I know what the problem is, they have a simple calc that checks DD vs usage, but mine varies so much between Summer and Winter, that you need to look at how much I'm paying over 1 year rather than just the last 2 or 3 months. Their shit algorithm predicts that I'll go into debit, but doesn't acknowledge over the year it evens out.
Nobody there is helpful at all.
• #25673
My brother has same problem with Npower right now. I keep telling him just cancel the DD. Make them call you to take payment. Or use a standing order instead, which they would not be allowed to change.
• #25674
Yeah, I should have resolved this a long time ago.
• #25675
Nobody there is helpful at all.
That's probably the thing you should focus on. THEY PRIDE THEMSELVES ON BEING THE EASIEST TO TALK TO.
can we get a preferred energy supplier thing? I think it's
these guys
https://www.greenenergyuk.com/(100% both?)
which internet provider do I want?
I just want a fast internet line. If that means I have to buy a phone line too, to get a decent price, so be it.
My god so it is!
It's amazing what the mind can convince itself of.
I have been labouring for over a year on the assumption it is 100% renewable gas and lec.