This may be a bit of a silly question but here I go: I'm looking at getting a winter bike and I like the idea of getting an old Look.
Now, I've searched different models and as it is for a winter bike, I don't mind much which it is but I was wondering if anyone in the forum owns a KG251. Am I being an idiot for getting such bike as a winter ride? How do they ride? Still reasonable value after all the years?
Many questions I know but I'm curious to know if anyone out there can share some advice with me.
Hi all,
This may be a bit of a silly question but here I go: I'm looking at getting a winter bike and I like the idea of getting an old Look.
Now, I've searched different models and as it is for a winter bike, I don't mind much which it is but I was wondering if anyone in the forum owns a KG251. Am I being an idiot for getting such bike as a winter ride? How do they ride? Still reasonable value after all the years?
Many questions I know but I'm curious to know if anyone out there can share some advice with me.