• #55102
Back-breaking saddle to bar drop on that one.
• #55103
What bars are those?
• #55104
Usually ride that set up with flat bars I must admit! I do like a fairly significant saddle > bar drop though.
• #55105
FSA Compact drops. Not sure if the exact model as not at home at the moment. Pretty nice feeling for my tastes.
• #55106
a fellow r/fixedgearbicycles Redditor I see!
outed! @umop3pisdn
• #55107
Lost. All. Rep.
• #55108
This is so incredibly good.
All together it’s so tasty. Even though I hate lattice chainring, looks great with the DA on this build.
Just the seat clamp position...
• #55109
He's top post of that subreddit ha , dunno if it counts as outed
• #55110
How embarrassing
• #55111
r/fixedgearbicycle is usually a better source for anti than HHSB.
• #55112
• #55113
• #55114
• #55115
Profile hubs?
Can't stand those hPLUS anymore, so fucking generic -
• #55117
Aren't they £65?
• #55118
or as some would say, archetypal :)
• #55119
I'm in the US, so I don't really know how favorably they compare to rims available across the pond, but here they cost about the same as low-end Velocity rims and have a reputation for being sturdier/better-made.
• #55120
They might be the new mash ones then.
• #55121
because of the funky ano? yeah, that would be my guess.
Does Profile do something similar?
• #55122
Yeah profile, do some nice colourways, have a friend that used to race bmx back in the day and gets hooked up by them, he's got some proper nice ones.
• #55123
So good.
• #55124
Oh wow, just looked this up. Really cool stuff. Seems like they've never done them for track hubs tho, just the bmx ones?
Ah, a fellow r/fixedgearbicycles Redditor I see!
Mine was one of the other Opticals yesterday:
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