• Have you ridden Ardingly before? It’s a great course, especially if it’s damp. That alone would make it worthwhile.

    I’ve never ridden a NT round, but I think the 80% rule is applied in all races so you run the risk of being pulled early if the leaders are getting close. But it’s quite a long lap so it might not happen. As I see it, that’s the only downside, in that you might not get to ride a full race. Otherwise what is there to lose?

    I was hoping to do it too, but that’s looking very unlikely now.

  • I rode at ardingly a couple of years a go in the freezing cold and on inappropriate tyres and loved it.

    How does the 80% rule work?

    It sounds like I better dust off my rocky dvd , eat some raw eggs and do some training then 😀

  • At the end of each lap anyone who is 80% behind the leaders lap time gets pulled. It means the leaders never have to deal with lapped riders, the idea being that navigating lapped riders can affect the race outcome.
