I thought it was this Monday for some reason. You should've ridden with us - I just pushed the storm winds out of the way ;)
I do that. Normally because I hate stopping to put on layers, thinking it's going to stop, it gets very hard rain before I decide enough is enough and then I'm scrambling for a tree/bus stop/etc.
Trying to decide if I want to do something dumb like a 1000k DIY or just stick with the odd calendar 200s that are left in the year.
for a couple of minutes, it was raining from the ground upwards!
It was always 22nd - I've a week off, so don't have to worry about getting back in time for cocoa. 3points, followed by another 3pointa on Saturday hopefully (10pts 0AAA? I'll have to change my avatar!), with the Cambridge rides, which of anyone fancies riding up with me.
I'm using @Greenbank's route from Putney onwards (freestyling all the way though as I've only emtered an advisory route.) I'll hit Putney at just before 0400 i think.I like a lay in at the weekends.
Monday - weather invariably will be a headwind all the way round as the remnants of tropical storm whatever passes over.
I've just dried out from the deluge that hit through Merton on Monday morning. I took 5 under a bus shelter it was that heavy. Even my skin, which has proven to be relatively waterproof over the years, leaked I'm sure.