sadly when it come to wrapping the whole thing up it feels like they got bored and just tacked on a bittersweet paint by numbers ending that took away all the horror of the slow build up and basically walked back everything that had been remotely scary about the whole show until it was a shitty ghosts of yoda, luke and anakin standing by the fire saying goodbye finale.
Interview with the creator shows he fucked with the ending and went soppy
The night before it came time to shoot it, I sat up in bed, and I felt guilty about it. I felt like it was cruel. That surprised me. I’d come to love the characters so much that I wanted them to be happy. I came into work and said, ‘I don’t want to [spoiler]. I think it’s mean and unfair.’ Once that gear had kicked in, I wanted to lean as far in that direction as possible. We’ve been on this journey for 10 hours; a few minutes of hope was important to me.”
wasn't the only thing that ruined the end but such a cop-out.
Interview with the creator shows he fucked with the ending and went soppy
wasn't the only thing that ruined the end but such a cop-out.