Amsterdam marathon on Sunday. Did pretty good training for 11 weeks but probably wanst getting enough volume in. Did 4 or 5 runs in the 28 - 32km range so know i can go pretty long.
Just really not sure what pace to set off at. I want to aim for 3.30 but know that 3.40 is probably much more realistic. Only previous marathon was 4 years ago 1 stone heavier and not much training for a 3.57.
Is it stupid to set off at 3.30 and see what happens? Or should i set off at 3.40 ish pace and try and push on? i cant see myself ever feeling great at 30km and thinking now lets push on.
Amsterdam marathon on Sunday. Did pretty good training for 11 weeks but probably wanst getting enough volume in. Did 4 or 5 runs in the 28 - 32km range so know i can go pretty long.
Just really not sure what pace to set off at. I want to aim for 3.30 but know that 3.40 is probably much more realistic. Only previous marathon was 4 years ago 1 stone heavier and not much training for a 3.57.
Is it stupid to set off at 3.30 and see what happens? Or should i set off at 3.40 ish pace and try and push on? i cant see myself ever feeling great at 30km and thinking now lets push on.