Bang a big screwdriver through the oil filter and wind it off? I've only had one fall apart with this method but it was easy enough to pick it out of the threads once it was shredded. I honestly thought that was how everyone did it without a wrench. If you are a bit posh you might want to wear some marigolds!
Good suggestion.
Just need to get a 2nd oil pan/similar to grab the fresh oil.
It's just such a fucking PITA finding the time and planning the logistics, not to mention doing it in the dark with a torch and car headlights. I'm wondering if I could cheekily move my insurance from the lockup to my house, then call my free breakdown recovery on my insurance to transport the bike back to my house.
Had one recently that had a huge hex fitting, 32mm ISH. Snapped off trying to undo it. Ended up using 3 separate big screwdriver poked through it to get It to come off. Fell apart into that many pieces had to take exhaust manifold off and cut the last pieces off the oil pump with a Dremel. Was genuine vw part fitted by a VW indie with a 4' breaker bar obviously!
Update on getting my scrambler back on the road....
Even with a tool I couldn't get the oil filter off! Going to have to get some proper grips and maybe drill it. Fuck the idiot who did it up so tight last time!
Bike wouldn't start:
Stupidly I didn't leave the battery on the minder all day in the office like I meant to... Or take a multi meter with me. So I can't really diagnose whether the battery was the issue.
A multi meter reading this morning was just under 10. Internet says the EFI needs a fair bit of power to start and the OG battery is not great anyway.
Forum thoughts?
Going to do some reading of my Haynes at lunchtime.