I remember reading that in 2013 - I agree with the conclusions. The interconnectedness of the European gas market means that you just won't get a significant long-term price differential between the UK and the continent any more (Brexit chaos notwithstanding!).
There are a lot of questions about shale, I agree. I would just like to understand a little better from the test wells whether any of these issues can be addressed, and I don't think the public debate will move on meaningfully without some test drilling. If the test drilling shows it's not worth the effort, then we should definitely scrap it.
Interesting to read your take on it, I see the projects coming in (or not, a lot of proposals up in the air, despite the price of Oil) and read OilPrice.com.
Agree with everything you say there, although personally I would like it if it was just chapped on the head.
I remember reading that in 2013 - I agree with the conclusions. The interconnectedness of the European gas market means that you just won't get a significant long-term price differential between the UK and the continent any more (Brexit chaos notwithstanding!).
There are a lot of questions about shale, I agree. I would just like to understand a little better from the test wells whether any of these issues can be addressed, and I don't think the public debate will move on meaningfully without some test drilling. If the test drilling shows it's not worth the effort, then we should definitely scrap it.