Everytime I see those, they look dense and ready to fly. Btw, don't buy a cheap exhaust. Save and get something decent or get used. The Chinese stuff is really poor quality steel/carbon.
@skinny It was nerve wracking handling it at the beginning, but you get used to it, and once moving, it was a doddle. Even 2 up, that twin is a peach; exiting corners in third and it'd grunt a bit, but then rip into it.
So I borrowed the 1200 and a mate the 950 this past week. What a fucking machine. It doesn't fly towards the horizon, it lopes towards in in giant bounds.
Power wheelies happen by accident whether you like it or not if you're angry with the throttle, which is a doddle, because even with the stock can, from around 5.5k upwards, it sounds like an angry nuclear powered chainsaw. Overruns will give you the immediate POP POP POP all the time from 5k down.
It's pretty brilliant in the twisties as well. Comfy position makes you throw it around like it didn't weigh the 230kg.
Brakes are a bit too aggressive though, and suspension soft even with adjustment, which can get a bit old on a big twin.
Overall though, had I the cash. A total yes. The tech from even 5 years ago to now is a world away in some aspects. Inertial computer and adjustable TCS make trail braking a doddle.
What a bike.