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  • I got distracted for a year.

    Last time I was here it was all about the supply chain fuck up with the new Ultegra disc group and Madison blah blah. I assumed that in the intervening year all would be resolved and I could easily buy this stuff.

    But now the few places that have 8020 are getting rid on clearance and nowhere has compact / 175mm / 11-30. And you lot are saying 8020 is shit, anyway.

    wtf is going on? I just want a mechanical shift hydraulic disc brake groupset so that I can build my Isen a year late. What am I supposed to do?

  • I'd go with m6000 cassette, ebay bergains m980 shifter and mech, and middleburn cranks. Invest saved money in brakes that work.
    I'm fairly happy with my m8000 tho. Except brakes. Those can >>>>>
