Personally I think a 35 mile road trip on a Brommie is stretching it a bit. They’re not great over distances - the riding position is necessarily compromised and they’re a bit twitchy, esp on crappy roads (ie London).
I tend to agree with JJ72.
Perfect commuter bike but I will really only use the one I have, if have to, in other words take the train. Anything more than 30mins and it is too annoying. (I am a 6'2" tall chap so I might just be too big for them (even with the extended seat post)). So chapeau to the chaps doing 100+ on them but I would just get frustrated; that or I should have got one with a massive gear inch within!
Personally I think a 35 mile road trip on a Brommie is stretching it a bit. They’re not great over distances - the riding position is necessarily compromised and they’re a bit twitchy, esp on crappy roads (ie London).