Wheel took a couple of minutes to get off and hours to get back on. Those fucking spacers!
The rubbing is still there and I have no energy / motivation left to properly check the wheel alignment.
Draining the oil was easy with my oil drain can - these are brilliant. Even remembered to put the washer on first time. Went to replace the filter and the oil filter wrench couldn't get a grip and then dented the old filter. Oh well just a waste of oil... except I forgot a chunky screw driver and was stumped by triumph's fucking ridiculous oil filler cap... which I swore last time I'd replace with a sensible one... But obviously didn't.
The fuel is literally the only thing that's gone right.
My optimate seems to have vannished somewhere between my folks and my mate.
So I have an air cooled bike with no oil and no way of filling with oil plus a flat battery with no recharger.
What a shit night.
To do list:
Wheel took a couple of minutes to get off and hours to get back on. Those fucking spacers!
The rubbing is still there and I have no energy / motivation left to properly check the wheel alignment.
Draining the oil was easy with my oil drain can - these are brilliant. Even remembered to put the washer on first time. Went to replace the filter and the oil filter wrench couldn't get a grip and then dented the old filter. Oh well just a waste of oil... except I forgot a chunky screw driver and was stumped by triumph's fucking ridiculous oil filler cap... which I swore last time I'd replace with a sensible one... But obviously didn't.
The fuel is literally the only thing that's gone right.
My optimate seems to have vannished somewhere between my folks and my mate.
So I have an air cooled bike with no oil and no way of filling with oil plus a flat battery with no recharger.