• When I'm calculating spoke lengths for a straight pull hub like this one here:

    Do I take the measurement from the centre of the flanges with the spoke holes in them, or do I have to measure the spoke holes for the trailing and leading spokes separately and calculate them separately? A bit of basic trig and some dummy numbers suggests that the offset between the holes and the centre of the flange is going to result in differences in the spoke lengths which will get lost in rounding down to the nearest available spoke length, but it would be good to have some confirmation that this is correct. Or to have someone tell me the right way to do it before I order a whole load of spokes which are the wrong length.

  • do I have to measure the spoke holes for the trailing and leading spokes separately and calculate them separately?

    Yes. As you have found, once you have the right numbers, the difference will very likely be lost in the rounding (for the same reason, we don't calculate inbound and outbound differently on J-bend spokes, even though strictly speaking they are different)

  • FWIW I just rebuilt a DT swiss straight pull wheel (see upthread) and all the spokes were equal length.

  • Danstuff as you have realised you can't get a spoke length calculator to work out the spoke length.

    It is possible to do mathematically for the four rows of spokes.

    I normally guess the lengths then work out the fractional crossing in spocalc for that hub.

    For a hope pro 2 32h and a kinlin tl29 the lengths were 296/298mm. I guessed right first time. 297/298mm would have been better but I lacked 297mm.


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