My ex has an indoor cat, he's a very happy fluff monster. Make sure there's plenty of stuff to keep them stimulated and active, and various levels and private spots for them to explore and feel safe. They'll particularly enjoy looking out the windows. Get them as kittens though, won't be easy if they're already used to being outside.
Indoor cats generally live longer than outdoor cats too.
Do any London folk have cats in houses that don’t really go outside?
My other half is pestering for a cat, we’ve both had 3 cats at a time in our parents houses for most of our lives and both feel that we’re missing a fluffy companion but I’m fairly certain and insistent that no cat would be happy being indoors all the time. We live on a pretty busy road though we do have a small back garden. A cat could easily jump the fence and make its way to the road if it so wished. Although there are a whole street of back gardens for it to play in without danger.
Jut looking for others experiences of London cat keeping so I can go back with some arguments for and against.
We have a fairly roomy house and as I said, both cat lovers so it would be treated like royalty, I’m just not sure if it’s fair to keep it in and if not, whether it’s safe to let it out. No option for a cat flap so would be a let in/out job.