This is an example from last week, I took off around 6pm when it was still reasonably warm, when the temperature dropped after sunset it starts missing beats and reporting nonsense values. The intensity didn't change, nor did my perceived heart rate. It might have been slightly lower, but nowhere near the reported ~85 bpm.
See my expertly drawn blue line for an estimate of what it should have been.
To be clear, I'm not saying this holds true for all optical sensors, but it did the exact same thing last year so I wanted to go back to chest-HR.
I've just ordered it in a bundle with an HRM-Run from Bikester for €310 which should be about £270.
Happy to finally get rid of my TomTom Adventurer. I kept using it because I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth (got it as part of a sponsor thingy) but with cold weather the optical heartrate is worthless and I refuse to invest in their BLE bullshit.