So a pal - not set up on ebay - just, at the last minute, asks me to bid on some wheels for him so I do and just within his max budget win them.
A closer inspection shows seller with only 83% positive including feedback on fake items (perfume!) but more concerning is that the same wheels (pics and description) sold twice in August (only 8 days apart) and both times based in/around Oxfordshire and one with similarly dodgy (no reason cancellations) seller feedback.
What to do...I haven't paid yet
So a pal - not set up on ebay - just, at the last minute, asks me to bid on some wheels for him so I do and just within his max budget win them.
A closer inspection shows seller with only 83% positive including feedback on fake items (perfume!) but more concerning is that the same wheels (pics and description) sold twice in August (only 8 days apart) and both times based in/around Oxfordshire and one with similarly dodgy (no reason cancellations) seller feedback.
What to do...I haven't paid yet