"An outspoken former Conservative party donor has said he is prepared to go to prison to keep a giant “Bollocks to Brexit” poster above his London office after he was told to remove it by his local council."
Meanwhile Plaid Cymru leader is not sugarcoating anything and is talking about Welsh independence after a hard brexit. Anybody who blinks first (Scotland/Norn Ire) may now get Wales to come along.
"An outspoken former Conservative party donor has said he is prepared to go to prison to keep a giant “Bollocks to Brexit” poster above his London office after he was told to remove it by his local council."
ohah. Strong words.
Meanwhile Plaid Cymru leader is not sugarcoating anything and is talking about Welsh independence after a hard brexit. Anybody who blinks first (Scotland/Norn Ire) may now get Wales to come along.