So the other day the internal di2 battery got disconnected as I pulled the seatpost too much. Of course the cable was also all tangled in the junction box area which made it impossible to pull out enough to just reconnect the battery on the spot. Did this thing to have some gears before getting access to a bottom bracket tool and had a suitably hype 1x11 gravel bike for a short while.
I bought some extra cables and another junction box so that I can take out the seatpost battery and have it wired from one of the aerobar extensions and hanging in my framebag or something, while I test a different seatpost that's messing with my battery location.
So the other day the internal di2 battery got disconnected as I pulled the seatpost too much. Of course the cable was also all tangled in the junction box area which made it impossible to pull out enough to just reconnect the battery on the spot. Did this thing to have some gears before getting access to a bottom bracket tool and had a suitably hype 1x11 gravel bike for a short while.
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