So, I'm thinking about selling my Olympus MFT kit to be replaced by a single camera, something with good manual controls, able to cope with abuse and good zoom range. Ideally to match or exceed the image quality from the OM-D.
Any ideas?
The olympus kit is as follows:
Olympus OM-D EM-1 with grip, 2 batteries and remote
single camera, something with good manual controls, able to cope with abuse and good zoom range. Ideally to match or exceed the image quality from the OM-D.
Hasselblad H body of your choice + HC 3.5 - 4.5 / 50 - 110mm ?
So, I'm thinking about selling my Olympus MFT kit to be replaced by a single camera, something with good manual controls, able to cope with abuse and good zoom range. Ideally to match or exceed the image quality from the OM-D.
Any ideas?
The olympus kit is as follows: