I suppose that highlights a slight difference in someone like Louis CK and my original example. If CK does a gig and no one shows up, he's being sent a clear message. If i decide to flick straight past Beausoleil's record and put on 'Hey' by the Glitter Band (because fuck Gary - they were better without him anyway), he's not going to give any hoots whatsoever. I've got no influence there, so it's purely down to how his actions affect my enjoyment of his artistic output. There's probably also an element of me being concerned with how others would view me enjoying murderer or rapist music. If i was lying about not liking Gary Glitter just now and actually played his records regularly, I still might think twice about doing so in the car, volume up, windows down.
I guess, in terms of Louis CK as an example, how you tell him his actions are inappropriate?
I would say you don't go and see him. Do you feel he has paid his penance and understands the problem, won't do it again? Then go see him.
Society acts to tell people what is and isn't appropriate, but we are society, right, so that's our actions. If you're OK with it, be OK with it.