'you want to use him as some kind of wider political symbol and reduce the damage he is doing to his own personal enterprise'
Simply put. No this is not what I'm trying to do. I do not care about that. It is beyond reduction IMHO. The damage has been done. I just wanted to get to the truth. I care about those associated with him, who like Neil said, take him at face value. There is a clear line between 'Brexit banter' and blatant racism, it can surprise us all who crosses it and it's only natural that people want to see evidence and ask questions, which they have done. Am I the only one who's not allowed?
Once again, you attempt to tell me what to do. Nobody asked you to participate.
I'm saying I'm not beholden to answer your questions. I'm saying nobody on here is beholden to devote their time to engaging with or reforming someone who comes across as a smug, nasty, entitled little shit just because you want to use him as some kind of wider political symbol and reduce the damage he is doing to his own personal enterprise.
Keyboard warrior blah blah. I see no threats of violence? I'm just as entitled to express my opinion of the man as he is to expunge his immature bile upon the world via twitter.
Go have your considered, meaningful conversation with your friend in private, it doesn't require my or anyone else's participation and nobody is stopping you?