There is a diode pack somewhere on the bike, usually near the stator,might have gone bad allowing weird stuff to happen.
Yes on charging issue, it would go bad quite suddenly ime. Usually just a wire breaks or it shorts out against itself internally.
Go for a new battery, if it's more than 3 years old always worth getting a nicer one
Have a li on on the BMW. Been there about 3 years or so, even courier on it with hand warmers full tilt, lights on and a phone charfibg it never struggls
Go for a new battery, if it's more than 3 years old always worth getting a nicer one
Yuasa on order.
Looked for a Lithium one but couldn't find anyone making Lithium batteries that did one for a '99 xv250s (understandably) and didn't have much luck searching the dimensions and values.
Hopefully fixes it. Batteries are weird things, had a car battery crack/ explode when I charged it for first time. Though TBF it had been sat in a schimattar for about 20 years
There is a diode pack somewhere on the bike, usually near the stator,might have gone bad allowing weird stuff to happen.
Yes on charging issue, it would go bad quite suddenly ime. Usually just a wire breaks or it shorts out against itself internally.
Go for a new battery, if it's more than 3 years old always worth getting a nicer one
Have a li on on the BMW. Been there about 3 years or so, even courier on it with hand warmers full tilt, lights on and a phone charfibg it never struggls