You only ever see them plodding around the lanes at roughly human walking speed. What’s the point.
Happened upon horses 3 times this weekend, first time was while cycling and was fine, nice and sociable.
Second time was later on the same ride, a pair of older ladies who didn’t seem to know what side of the road to move over to or to be very in control of their horses. They insisted we slow down to sub walking pace and berated us for not talking to them “the horse needs to know you’re human”. Might have spoken to you a) had you not made us slow down on a bastard hill we were already struggling up pretty slowly and b) if you shut up for a minute so we could get a word in edgeways.
Third time was out in the motorbike and was in similar area to the second encounter and I think might have been at least one of the same people. Again didn’t seem very in control of the horse and seemed to be trying to signal me to lift my visor.
If your horse can’t deal with ‘non human’ vehicles, should it really be on the road?
Apparently, horses can be spooked by the sound of freewheels,
Who the hell thinks that a public road is an appropriate place for an animal which gets spooked by a quiet clicking sound - and possibly injures it's rider and other road users?
I’ve never got, horses.
You only ever see them plodding around the lanes at roughly human walking speed. What’s the point.
Happened upon horses 3 times this weekend, first time was while cycling and was fine, nice and sociable.
Second time was later on the same ride, a pair of older ladies who didn’t seem to know what side of the road to move over to or to be very in control of their horses. They insisted we slow down to sub walking pace and berated us for not talking to them “the horse needs to know you’re human”. Might have spoken to you a) had you not made us slow down on a bastard hill we were already struggling up pretty slowly and b) if you shut up for a minute so we could get a word in edgeways.
Third time was out in the motorbike and was in similar area to the second encounter and I think might have been at least one of the same people. Again didn’t seem very in control of the horse and seemed to be trying to signal me to lift my visor.
If your horse can’t deal with ‘non human’ vehicles, should it really be on the road?