Testament to the omnishambles the South Carriage Drive crossing at Hyde Park Corner now is; peds and fluros getting angsty at waiting for the lights to change start crossing against the lights only for a police van - no lights on - to barrel his way through, beeping his horn like those nobber cab drivers so fucking clueless to what counts as acceptable road behaviour.
Commute redeemed only by random non fluro commenting positively on my - ironically fluro - pink shoe laces.
Testament to the omnishambles the South Carriage Drive crossing at Hyde Park Corner now is; peds and fluros getting angsty at waiting for the lights to change start crossing against the lights only for a police van - no lights on - to barrel his way through, beeping his horn like those nobber cab drivers so fucking clueless to what counts as acceptable road behaviour.
Commute redeemed only by random non fluro commenting positively on my - ironically fluro - pink shoe laces.