• Depends on your definition of 'little' but cheapest lease deal I could find with a quick google works out around £7400 over 5 years (Fiat 500). £5k will get you a 4-yr old, very low mileage, FSH model. That gives you £2400 in service/mot costs before you're worse off and you still have a useable car at the end of it, which will be worth more than not having any car at all.

    I worked it out with a similar budget (wanting an estate/larger car) and even over 3 years I'm saving enough to pay for the quite expensive first service bill and still be miles away from lease costs.
    As an aside, my 2007 reg car appears to be worth approximately what I paid for it (possibly more!) 18 months ago. Clearly not sustainable in the long run but shows that depreciation isn't linear.

  • Cheers.

    I'm not convinced. But he found something for £120pm and argued that doing a couple of 2yrs would be less hassle and risk.

    I've seen a couple of sub £4k Honda Jazz which look decent, so I'm also not sure a modern car with a FSH is going to be as bad as he claims.

    Right now tho my biggest concern is Mr H. She has suddenly started saying Civics, Leons, etc. are too big, suggesting things like Corsas. Arguing that we don't need something that big for the rare occasions when we do long term drives.

    Tbh I'm a bit annoyed as I can't help but feel I'm giving up a car I really like and not even trading up.

    I also think fitting baby shit in a small hatch is obviously possible, but undesirable and unnecessary.


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