Funnily enough, I sent off Wessex perm entries last Friday because I started to get a bit impatient.
BC and WCW sold out too quick - I hadn't been paid. That left Benjamin Allen, which looke like it was going to clash with Brimmers (which ot does), Wander Wye on my wifes birthday or The Buzzard, which I still might enter. Dunno yet.
I'm not doing PBP, so any old BR event will do for me. I'm still not sure what I want out of next season. SR, SR(H), AASR(H) or maybe just 50AAA to complete the set. I do have a Garmin now though, so that opens up a lot of non PBP options for me - Surrey Hills are a lot closer than Kent and Sussex for quick AAA points.
I might enter Wander Wye, but I've done Buzzard twice(ish) already. The Edinburgh one was cancelled so I could make Brimstone my first 600. That would make WCW seem pretty easy.
I'm wanting to qualify for PBP because it gives me PBP as an option if everything else falls through. Plus it's a handy motivator to do stuff. Hyper SR series or whatever it's called? 4x600s all with AAA points?
I'm just doing rides I've not done before that fit in with my schedule. If you can't find a single 600k to ride to qualify for PBP perhaps it's not your edition! :P
Brimstone wasn't available when I last looked so that's a little annoying. I guess I got excited about rides again as some were going up early. Probably should've waited. Maybe I could pull out of Ben Tour and enter Brimstone instead. £16.50 penalty.
I could also do the Perm version of Brimstone but I think it'd be a bit less fun.