I have an early 80s entry level Bianchi rolling frame I bought a fortnight ago in a rush as a project thinking I had the parts to build it, got it home and found I don't, and now can't quite be bothered with another full build.
Paint is quite chipped but frame is straight with no dents, has a flip-flop rear wheel/hub, stem and bars, saddle and a front brake. The bad: seat post is jammed, needs front chainring and cranks, bottom bracket is a little rough and headset definitely needs doing.
£35 - happy to send some pics if you're interested. With a little time you could probably make a cool bike out of it for well under your budget.
I have an early 80s entry level Bianchi rolling frame I bought a fortnight ago in a rush as a project thinking I had the parts to build it, got it home and found I don't, and now can't quite be bothered with another full build.
Paint is quite chipped but frame is straight with no dents, has a flip-flop rear wheel/hub, stem and bars, saddle and a front brake. The bad: seat post is jammed, needs front chainring and cranks, bottom bracket is a little rough and headset definitely needs doing.
£35 - happy to send some pics if you're interested. With a little time you could probably make a cool bike out of it for well under your budget.