This. VED and insurance are real time checked by ANPR, but MOT is not.
Powers that be keep thinking of moving to a 2 year MOT schedule, would help me get my fleet of decaying vehicles going much easier (£55 a hit and they are always well in excess of the MOT standard before I go to it).
Older daytona sparked my interest also, mainly because light and that sound track. Borrowed a mates bandit 600, and anothers kawasaki equivalent and whilst faster than what I'm riding, didn't want to own either, just not very interesting, though make a good commuter/courier bike (what they use them for).
Just ride it home, a mile is nothing, and nobody is going to pick you up. I don't think MOT is linked to ANPR, so you won't set one off automatically, only if your plate is manually run by a traffic cop.