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  • From a shop or eBay or what?

    The law in the UK I believe entitles a customer to claim for a refund up to 6 years after purchased if items are faulty!
    Which includes not as described.
    However, after 6 months from purchase the responsibility shifts from the seller to the customer to prove that the item was faulty at the time of purchase and provide proof of purchase etc.
    I’m not sure whether you’d need to prove that the rim is the same one you bought from them and that it was faulty all along. You may have trouble doing that.

    Also I don’t know if this applies at all if it is a private sale.

  • Private sale, after a year? U mad bro?

    Buyer has a responsibility to check they're happy when they receive it, not x weeks/months/years down the line. Shit situation if you didn't notice when you got something but if it were me I'd just put it down to experience and suck it up. If they were faulty and had been repaired/hidden so it wasn't visible/immediately apparent that might be something else.

  • Exactly. I said that’s for shops and I don’t know about private sales. But if it were me I wouldn’t bother and I’d just sell it


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