She's just posted on Facebook that she's not going to try again.
Speed wobble sounds intriguing - although I suspect she is overrating it as a cause of her having to stop.Due to a number of reasons (including a badly infected cyst/saddle sore, not enough sleep/rest in the build up and a very long and severe speed wobble on the A30 breaking my confidence), I didn’t manage to cycle to John o’Groats fast enough to break the record. I abandoned somewhere on the A9.
The record is more than a time. Breaking it is the result of a process and I got to experience that process a number of times and take away important lessons from it.
I am still 100% sure this record can be broken by many hours. I hope some other woman will have a go at it (and I will support her all the way), but I will not keep on trying anymore.
After having invested so much time, energy, money and emotion into this record attempt for the last few years, I have to admit I am broken and deflated. I need some time to reflect. To refind myself. To refind my love for Cycling for the sheer joy of it all. To refind my sense of self.
Importantly this record attempt always was multifaceted. I didn’t become the fastest woman to cycle the length of the UK. But the passion and love I have experienced from my crew, the RRA observers, followers online and people by the side of the road was simply amazing.
People popping up at various points along the route, families with little children screaming from the top of their lungs at all hours, with drawings, cowbells, banners and even eggs. People in the mist up Shap. The lovely Chorley Cycling peeps cheering me beyond the point where I had to abandon because of uncontrollable puking last year. Ruth and Victor at the Espley RaB in the middle of the night, Clare and the kids in the afternoon sun near Gloucester, George Berwick out on his bike far up in Scotland... so much love and passion.
I am slowly regaining the strength to respond to a lot of very kind personal messages including many from women and girls who tell me that I have inspired them to wander a little further or to have the courage to take on a big challenge of their own. That was a big reason for doing this record attempt. I am glad it wasn’t for nothing.
It is the highest time for me to return favours to so many people who have been there for me. But there is one last favour I have to ask you all, if you haven’t done so already please consider a donation to Cancer Research. It is what got me into Cycling in 2010 and a cause that is very close to my heart.
Might've been case of the dozies if she was already sleep deprived although that wouldn't be "long"?
Anyway, massive respect to her for trying. Failing to achieve a goal always sucks but she's definitely got a lot of experience from both attempts, she got loads of fans and I'm sure has inspired a lot of other people to try something that much out of their comfort zone.
So many factors can mess something so big up.
Wonder what her feelings are like towards another attempt next year?