I've gone full Ikea Tradfri for our bits. Mostly happy with them, but have found a couple of oddities like the kitchen lighting strips, which don't come on with a switch flick like the bulbs do.
They seem to be a Hue based product.
I've been poking a little at https://www.home-assistant.io/ to see if I can create a unified touch screen control panel to go by the front door that also has a load of other info on it (train/bus times, weather, etc)
I've gone full Ikea Tradfri for our bits. Mostly happy with them, but have found a couple of oddities like the kitchen lighting strips, which don't come on with a switch flick like the bulbs do.
They seem to be a Hue based product.
I've been poking a little at https://www.home-assistant.io/ to see if I can create a unified touch screen control panel to go by the front door that also has a load of other info on it (train/bus times, weather, etc)