So I'm not sure if the frame for your Mu Uno is the same as my Sport Uno but I'm running Maxxis DTHs 2.2 (56-406) on quite skinny rims. I couldn't be bothered to take the tyres off but external rim widths are front = 19mm rear = 21mm. The tyres ended up measuring out to 53mm each. This leaves about 5mm of clearance either side at 60psi (I've had them up at 80 before with no issues). I'd imagine they might get too wide on a wider rim. So maybe better to go lower on tyre width.
These are the 60mm guards I ordered:
http://s.aliexpress.com/Yju2QNRn?fromSns=CApologies for crappy phone pics
Edit: seems like that AliX link doesn't have the 60mm version on offer anymore/atm. There's a 45mm version though.
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Ah man that would be so useful thanks!