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  • Sorry, I was not on the Varonha but the Roberts in the end... I did ask a guy with a dirty green fixed bike if he was you but he wasn't! I hope I didn't offend him when I said "are you James? He said he'd be on a dirty green bike"
    It was a nice dirty bike... A Hobbs of Barbican...
    I didn't finish, couldn't have never made it at the time I'd say at home, too many walking bits, done with lots of pedestrian... And I'm naturally slow anyway. I texted Bill to let him know I was not completing.
    I stopped following the route at the HMS Belfast (69km in theory) and went to Richmond and back for the sake of doing 100k today. Nice day, met nice people...

  • I have never validated it, the couple of times I entered, I rode out to the start and then finished in Rotherhithe (the route goes past the door of my old flat).


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