On the upside, well, a very slight upside as that will come at high cost as well: A hard Brexit -may- re-unify Ireland. Bye bye colonial attitudes of the Tories.
I think that is too early atm, there is too much hurt that is too fresh and ROI is not yet secularized, the political integration is not there yet, it will require large loans, the economy in NI is not yet very diverse with many working in civil services, what happens to pensions.. etc.
But if it is the choice between a flag on your door and if you/your kids have a job, I think the moderate unionists will swing towards unification.
But calling a border poll is actually up to the Sectretary of States, eg, an English Westminster politician. A Tory atm, again. So, it may be the proverbial rock and a hard place. Again.
On the upside, well, a very slight upside as that will come at high cost as well: A hard Brexit -may- re-unify Ireland. Bye bye colonial attitudes of the Tories.
I think that is too early atm, there is too much hurt that is too fresh and ROI is not yet secularized, the political integration is not there yet, it will require large loans, the economy in NI is not yet very diverse with many working in civil services, what happens to pensions.. etc.
But if it is the choice between a flag on your door and if you/your kids have a job, I think the moderate unionists will swing towards unification.
But calling a border poll is actually up to the Sectretary of States, eg, an English Westminster politician. A Tory atm, again. So, it may be the proverbial rock and a hard place. Again.