Can I get any 4gb sticks that fit laptops (i.e. any SODIMM with the right number of pins) or are all the other numbers super important...
Can I just grab something like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1GB-2GB-4GB-8GB-10GB-LAPTOP-Ram-Memory-DDR2-PC2-6400S-800MHz-SODIMM-200-pin/263840848001?hash=item3d6e23d881:m:mIB7n5WsMLVAJEj7mJiSNaw
Going from 4 to 8gb will make a huge difference
@n3ilnot necessarily. If he's already got an SSD then OSX will create virtual memory (swap space) on the drive nearly as fast as using direct RAM, depending on what he's using it for
lovely, thanks.
I'm already SSD'd but that link seems to suggest at least 8gb will go in.