Paying off an actual student loan is just like paying a higher rate of tax. I earn fuck all, so am currently paying £20 per month. This won't cover the interest on the loan, so I doubt it will ever be paid off.
My issue is the publicity and naming of it, to deliberately put off potential students from low income backgrounds.
There was some research on fullfacts (not a bad site, though always read more than one source) that lower income students were not put off by the loans.
Perhaps counterintuitive, I would be, but there you go :)
Paying off an actual student loan is just like paying a higher rate of tax. I earn fuck all, so am currently paying £20 per month. This won't cover the interest on the loan, so I doubt it will ever be paid off.
My issue is the publicity and naming of it, to deliberately put off potential students from low income backgrounds.