leepearce13 Thursday - Fatigued from Wednesday effort. 5/10 sleep. Objective parcour and Naryn. Ambiguity over parcour was unsettling.
Lake was dry so had a ride around. Refuel then off to Naryn. Alltime
low #2. 300m VAM. At 3300m to 3600m. 25 - 40% grade. Hike with bike
section, with old barbed wire for good measure. At this altitude my
body has zero energy, muscles scream for oxygen. Stopping 10 seconds
for every 5s effort. Not impressed. I had a cry. I wanted home. I
wanted out. A loveless environment. The continuing route followed ex
Soviet border jeep track. Relentless. Legs no power. Hiking up all
small inclines, which there were many. Tim and will caught me. We
reached to top. It became clear why we were led through hell. 20km of
downhill single track and mesmeric backdrop. The beauty couldn't mask
the trauma of getting there. Shifty Road to Military border post. The
carrot was a 30km descent over 1000m drop. It was all WASHBOARD!!!!
Arghhhh. You wouldn't wish on your own worst enemy. After than more
washboard. Relentless. Quit 16km from Naryn. Great sleep ensued. Back
in the land of mobile signal.