Now spark plugs are something I know a very small bit about. But no longer sure of the relevance with modern fuels. Also different people have different opinions.
From what I remember, it could make a different. Some cars were set up for round town while longer runs and motorways meant using different grade of plug...your car is from that era ;)
Still laugh at some of the spitfire plug adverts, never let the rules of physics ruin a good advert.
It's not cheating it is...have fuck loads more money to throw. If you are really bored look in to how tech has helped e-types become as quick as the ferrari and how the pre cross flow ford engine can make similar bhp as a lotus twin cam.
the dude at sanspeed did mention hotter plugs for track days, just as a safety thing. it was there for the tune, rather than a reading, but it was nice to see what i got building an engine on my own.
it is not bad for a 50s engine - i am after 150 for the racer. the guys at the front must be pushing 180bhp or so, but they all cheat.