I used Bing Ring VR for a bit when it was free - quite fun. I mainly distracted myself from the effort by trying to work out how they could time-sync a climb to a video and how, if I rode at the same speed as another cyclist in the video, would he be in front of me the whole time? What if I accelerate and pass him - is there a second alternative video when I don't accelerate and he's still in front of me? All got a bit Schrödinger's Inception.
I used Bing Ring VR for a bit when it was free - quite fun. I mainly distracted myself from the effort by trying to work out how they could time-sync a climb to a video and how, if I rode at the same speed as another cyclist in the video, would he be in front of me the whole time? What if I accelerate and pass him - is there a second alternative video when I don't accelerate and he's still in front of me? All got a bit Schrödinger's Inception.