• Mrs Jockey wanted to buy a bike for the first time in about 25 years, and despite my advice that a hybrid would be better for her as a returnee to cycling (in heavy traffic t0o), she decided a road bike was more her look.

    2 minutes/1 hour into our tentative cycle training she admits that perhaps she'd be better on a more upright set-up, at least to begin with. Rather than return the bike for a hybrid (with a view that in time she might want to go full-road), I'd prefer to swap out the handlebars, gear shifters and brake levers for some more suitable for her ability. I've got the bars and grips things covered, BUT, which twist shifters would be best? Her current set up is a 2x7 speed. Are all twist shifters the same, or do I need to go for Shimano (her groupset is Shimano Tourney A070).

    Cheers for any help!
