Well something is adrift with my gpx track. Shows 8280m of climbing over 231km total.
It was certainly a tough day, bit it turns out I'm in better shape than I thought!
AUK link shows 4995 total climb, so hopefully I getcredited with some extra AAA on the ECE part.
Highlight for me, was every climb. Not a single footstep was taken today. Well chuffed. Oh and spinning down towards Arrivee, knowing I've secured 100AAA points this season.
Lowlight was feeling a dick for leaving Esher before @inappropriate_bike got there. Sorry again.
Well something is adrift with my gpx track. Shows 8280m of climbing over 231km total.
It was certainly a tough day, bit it turns out I'm in better shape than I thought!
AUK link shows 4995 total climb, so hopefully I getcredited with some extra AAA on the ECE part.
Highlight for me, was every climb. Not a single footstep was taken today. Well chuffed. Oh and spinning down towards Arrivee, knowing I've secured 100AAA points this season.
Lowlight was feeling a dick for leaving Esher before @inappropriate_bike got there. Sorry again.
PS - come back to the dark side.