As for lyrics - maybe its age but I don't feel comfortable writing / expressing the things that I did when younger - feels a bit ridiculous tbh.
I think when you're younger you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. I think your feelings change a little bit as you get older, but it's more that you want more distance from them. I'm quite a melancholy person, and when I was young and beautiful it was quite easy to sing about melancholy in the first person. Girls would think you were deep and dudes would think you were brave. But being a 40 year old singing about how sad you are, yeesh. So I've found myself singing stories more and more - the subject is always melancholy, but the story gives you arms length from it. Its less confessional. It doesn't put your feelings up front and centre, it puts the listener's interpretation front and centre. And I think that's appropriate, since as we get older and older, we acknowledge the fact that other people exist more and more.
Yes this and also you can get worked up over social injustices/politics etc but 'singing ' about it again feels awkward these days -" anger is an energy " " war is stupid and stupid is stupid " ...
I think when you're younger you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. I think your feelings change a little bit as you get older, but it's more that you want more distance from them. I'm quite a melancholy person, and when I was young and beautiful it was quite easy to sing about melancholy in the first person. Girls would think you were deep and dudes would think you were brave. But being a 40 year old singing about how sad you are, yeesh. So I've found myself singing stories more and more - the subject is always melancholy, but the story gives you arms length from it. Its less confessional. It doesn't put your feelings up front and centre, it puts the listener's interpretation front and centre. And I think that's appropriate, since as we get older and older, we acknowledge the fact that other people exist more and more.