Bought this a couple of weeks ago thinking that I can get back to BMX. Sadly it's not as easy as it used to be or as it looks haha. So I'm selling it instead of it just collecting cobwebs in the shed.
2016 United Supreme bike features a 20 inch top tube hi-tensile steel frame with integrated headtube drilled for gyro tabs, 1-1/8" fork with tapered legs, 2-pc bars, 170mm chromoly 3-pc cranks with sealed Mid BB, 25T United sprocket, 14mm sealed cassette hub with 9T driver, 3/8" sealed front hub, odyssey quadrant rims, premium head stem, total sandstorm seat & post.
£150 Can be collected in Uxbridge or can meet in Central London.
Bought this a couple of weeks ago thinking that I can get back to BMX. Sadly it's not as easy as it used to be or as it looks haha. So I'm selling it instead of it just collecting cobwebs in the shed.
2016 United Supreme bike features a 20 inch top tube hi-tensile steel frame with integrated headtube drilled for gyro tabs, 1-1/8" fork with tapered legs, 2-pc bars, 170mm chromoly 3-pc cranks with sealed Mid BB, 25T United sprocket, 14mm sealed cassette hub with 9T driver, 3/8" sealed front hub, odyssey quadrant rims, premium head stem, total sandstorm seat & post.
£150 Can be collected in Uxbridge or can meet in Central London.
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