OK, apparantly my memory is not as good as I recalled it to be... Costs seem to be quite a bit less.
Anyways. The important item is thes one. Cheap from china: https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/20W-2-Bluetooth-Mini-HiFi-Stereo-Audio-AMP-Amplifier-FM-Player-for-Car-Home-12V/201963359203?itemId=201963359203
The sender is a basic one designed to transmit music from your phone to your car radio, there are tons of them for proverbial peanuts.
The sender is the weak link, you will have to get a charger cable that fits it and leave it connected to power to sustain a usable signal. Also bear in mind that it’s pretty short range, I’ve got about 6 meters and through some heavy brick walls and that works.Edit: This is the sender: https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/WIRELESS-FM-Transmitter-For-Car-Smart-Phone-Auto-Player-Audio-Device-3-5mm-New/273398064740?hash=item3fa7cb6664:g:kykAAOSw0JFbbGVP
I just felt like posting an update of my ‘streaming’ project.
I have finally found a solution that I’m happy with.
It allow me to play a record in the living room and listen to it in the kitchen. Analogue and lagless!
Cost around 40 pounds, not factoring in old inherited kitchen speakers.
Added benefits are bluetooth receiver in the kitchen and a disco rave in the cabinet.
FM radio is the future!
Before you ask: I do plan to hide the cable and mount the speakers on the walls.