Are you trying to misconstrue what I and others have said or do you genuinely not understand? If the latter, then try and understand how someone who is a supporter of Palestinian liberation and has good mates in that civil population that you blithely speak of can also see and experience Anti Semitism in the solidarity movement behind the Palestinian cause
Well, either that or you've been massively inconsistent and mealy-mouthed in what you've been saying, swinging between 'anyone who criticises Israel ever is literally Hitler' and 'some of my best friends are Palestinian'. One of those.
Are you trying to misconstrue what I and others have said or do you genuinely not understand? If the latter, then try and understand how someone who is a supporter of Palestinian liberation and has good mates in that civil population that you blithely speak of can also see and experience Anti Semitism in the solidarity movement behind the Palestinian cause