Could your hungriness be related to some other kind of condition than the gradual switch to proto-veganism?
I've often sensed that when people didn't really want to make such a change they felt worse. Perhaps you need to think more about whether you really want to do it? I've never met anyone who forced him- or herself who stuck with it for long.
Obviously, if you are perfectly happy with it that might not be an issue, but you only say 'I was happy to try and make the change'. That may not be significant, but just something that caught my eye.
The switchover isn't all that easy for many people; it took me a few detours before I got there, too. What helped me was to take a step back and reconsider.
As ever, obviously make sure you eat complete proteins, supplement B12, etc. Stephen Walsh's 'Plant-based Nutrition' is a book that is often recommended if you're interested in the nutritionist angle. (I personally am not and didn't really need the book.)
I'm currently having a bit of a vegan/not-so-vegan crisis.
I've pretty much killed off all meat and dairy from my diet since I started living with my girlfriend, she has been vegan for a long time now and I was happy to try and make the change.
The problem: Since the switchover I am never not hungry, always craving more, which leads to me eating an excessive amount of carbs/junk and feel bloated constantly.
Along with this, I am lacking energy on the bike, to the point I can't be bothered riding, as I anticipate it's going to suck.
Do people recommend a protein supplement? Could this be why I'm hungry all the time!?